You can start earning money by posting memes or templates. To post content you need points. You can earn points by rating other memes.
Yes. You can work from anywhere in the world. You just need to have one of our payment methods to withdraw money.
We use PayPal, AirTM, or LiteCoin to send out payments.
Memes are funny pictures and templates are pictures that you can create memes with.
A space is where you post and see memes in a specific niche.
Score is equal to the average number of uploads for the past 30 days. Score is for users who want to see how frequent do you post memes on the site. The same thing applies to countries, templates and spaces.
Once you reach $20.00 USD You can request payments to your favorite payment gateway. We will process the payment and it should be in your account within 24 hours.
Yes, we do. You will earn 10% of all of your referrals earnings for life. You don't need to post or rate memes. It's 100% passive. And you can withdraw whenever you want once you reach the minimum withdraw amount.
In case you are wondering, we earn money from ads too. We share the ad revenue with users. It's that simple.
It is the amount you are earning per 1,000 impressions. It's a measurement that you can use to understand your performance.
It is the amount you are spending per 1,000 impressions. It's a measurement that you can use to understand your performance.
There is no limit to how much you can earn. You can earn $0.01 per 1,000 impressions. Which means you get to earn $10.00 per 1 million impressions. These numbers are just an example.
Odds are the number of odds your ad will show below memes. Higher odds means faster results. Each $0.01 is equal to one odd. This means an ad with a bid of $0.50 will get 50 odds of showing.
A new day starts at 3 hours after midnight London time. So that's GMT+3 or Riyadh TimeZone.
Because we don't want users to spam the website with junk content just to earn money.
Just like school you will be getting a grade based on the number of memes you posted.