what a display of intelligence, am sure with this kind of behaviour a fish can be able to fly

Mr X
Impressions: 8 $0.0205 USD
Comments: 0 English
when your not mother ask you be her good son.
YOU: am allegic to breast-milk
YOU: am allegic to breast-milk

Mr X
Impressions: 6 $0.0102 USD
Comments: 0 English
me still thinking of what is wrong,
why USA are helping Israel in destroying lifes.
why USA are helping Israel in destroying lifes.

Mr X
Impressions: 4 $0.0002 USD
Comments: 0 English
Can you see my mind, i know you can't why, because it's the mind of a genius

Mr X
Impressions: 8 $0.0406 USD
Comments: 0 English
This is how gods view humans especially when they retire from their humanity

Mr X
Impressions: 8 $0.0208 USD
Comments: 0 English
Rich King Putin always calculate mathematics that i and everybody around the world never know

Mr X
Impressions: 8 $0.0208 USD
Comments: 0 English