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1738258489 12967 memes undefined exclude 0
Himal Grg
Himal Grg
Memes: 2,932 $62.81 USD
Score: 6.0 8 Subscribers
When you're cutting wrapping paper
and the scissors start to glide...
When you're cutting wrapping paper
and the scissors start to glide...
Himal Grg
Bro caught in 4k
Bro caught in 4k
Himal Grg
Cats when you have petted them enough
Cats when you have petted them enough
Himal Grg
-I hope it's a PS5
-I  hope it's a PS5
Himal Grg
when you put your glasses on
when you put your glasses on
Himal Grg
Me trying to remember what
I was talking about in the
middle of the conversation
Me trying to remember what
I was talking about in the
middle of the conversation
Himal Grg
By drinking 130 bottles of
wine you could save a bird
By drinking 130 bottles of
wine you could save a bird
Himal Grg
When you take a nap and accidentally sleep on
your arm:
When you take a nap and accidentally sleep on
your arm:
Himal Grg
The heel seeing how you buy expensive facial creams
The heel seeing how you buy expensive facial creams
Himal Grg
Best chritmas tree
Best chritmas tree
Himal Grg
Wrong step- dislocated hip
Wrong step- dislocated hip
Himal Grg
It's not Christmas until I see
Snoopy eating 37 human femurs.
It's not Christmas until I see
Snoopy eating 37 human femurs.
Himal Grg
Me with a blocked nose thinking
about all the great times I had with
an unblocked nose.
Me with a blocked nose thinking
about all the great times I had with
an unblocked nose.
Himal Grg
Dora the Destroyer
Dora the Destroyer
Himal Grg
If jealousy had a face
If jealousy had a face
Himal Grg
Just making some Christmas cookies for a friend
Just making some Christmas cookies for a friend
Himal Grg
My cat and my tree are both
plugged in and ready for Christmas
My cat and my tree are both
plugged in and ready for Christmas
Himal Grg
When sewing, always remember
pattern placement is key.
When sewing, always remember
pattern placement is key.
Himal Grg
Himal Grg
She said Yes!!
She said Yes!!
Himal Grg
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