Use this PicturePunches color: #f5cb5c for the text and add a black border or shadow so that it becomes readable. This is a must or your memes will be rejected.
Always make sure that you are posting in the right language. Let's keep the platform accessible and coherent for all users.
Your memes must be original and created for PicturePunches. If you copy memes you will be banned and we won't send you any money you have earned.
Your memes must be original and created for PicturePunches. If you copy memes you will be banned and we won't send you any money you have earned.
Your memes must be new. Do not post the same joke but different variations. You need to have different jokes and different pictures.
If you are uploading to a template make sure that you use the same template in the meme you are posting.
This is a safe for work website. Do not post memes of sexual nature. Let's keep the platform fun and respectful for everyone.
Some people worship these figures. Let's maintain a respectful and considerate environment.
Your memes must be funny and of humor nature. Do not post memes that are not funny.
High-quality content enhances the overall experience for users. Let's keep the platform visually appealing.
Put an effort into your memes and focus on quality and not quantity.